This page contains information about each property.


8967 Japan Logistics Fund, Inc.

Outline of Acquired PropertiesAs of Jun. 30, 2024
Acquisition Price of Portfolio 296 billion JPY Number of Properties 54
Investment Ratio of Top Five Properties (Acquisition Price)
Rank Name of Property Acquisition Price (billions of JPY) Ratio of Investment Type of Use
1 Yokohama Machida Logistics Center 25.45 8.61% Logistics facilities
2 Ichikawa Logistics Center II 17.41 5.89% Logistics facilities
3 ShinKiba Logistics Center II 15.27 5.17% Logistics facilities
4 Souka Logistics Center 14.44 4.89% Logistics facilities
5 Shinonome Logistics Center 11.80 3.99% Logistics facilities
Composition of Acquired PropertiesAs of Jun. 30, 2024
Acquisition Price Ratio by Type of Use Acquisition Price Ratio by Region
Acquisition Price by Type of Use at the Most Recent Period-End Acquisition Price by Region at the Most Recent Period-End
Ratio of Appraisal Gains or Losses (%)As of Jan. 31, 2024
NOI Yield(%)As of Jan. 31, 2024
Age of Properties (years)As of Jan. 31, 2024
Target Portfolio
*Asset class of investments: Logistics facility focused
*Target ratio of asset class: 100% logistics facilities
*Investment regions: Major cities across Japan (Greater Tokyo area focused)
*Target ratio of regions:
 -Greater Tokyo area (coastal and inland)
 -Kinki, Chubu and Kyushu areas
 -Other areas

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