Handling of Personal Information

Privacy Policy
1.Acquisition, Use, and Provision of Personal Information

•The Company will specify the purpose of use and provisions to third parties whenever it obtains personal information, and will use personal information within the intended scope based on the consent of the said individual.
•The Company will not use personal information beyond the purpose of use and will take measures to ensure this.

2.Compliance with Laws

•The Company abides by laws and ordinances on the handling of personal information as well as guidelines and other rules published by related government agencies and ministries.

3.Preventing and Remedying Leakages, Lost or Damage Related to Personal Information

•The Company fully analyzes and understands risks concerning the handling of personal information and manages personal information both rigorously and appropriately.

4.Response to Complaints and Consultations

•The Company has and operates a system for promptly responding to opinions or complaints about its handling of personal information or its personal information protection management system, and informs users of the contact point for such in writing and on its corporate website when obtaining personal information.

5.Continual Improvements to the Personal Information Protection Management System

•The Company regularly audits its personal information protection management system.
•The Company reviews and makes ongoing improvements to its personal information protection management system based on changes in its businesses, social conditions, and progress of information systems.

Enforced: July 1, 2012
Toshihiro Doi, President
Prop Tech plus Inc.

♦Handling of Personal Information

The Company handles personal information provide by customers for the use of services in the following ways.

1.Purpose of Use

The Company will not use personal information received when applying, using or making an inquiry about a service for any purpose other than applying, using or making an inquiry about the service.

2.Provision to Third Parties

The Company will not provide personal information to third parties, excluding the following instances.
•When the consent of the individual is obtained in advance
•When pursuant to laws or ordinances
•In situations that are life threatening or require the protection of a person’s physical well being or property and the consent of the individual cannot be obtained
•When outsourcing the handling of personal information within a scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use

3.Outsourcing of Handling

The Company may outsource the handling of personal information within a scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use.

4.Contact Point

The Company will respond promptly to requests for the notification of purpose of use, requests for disclosure of personal information, requests for revision, addition or deletion of personal information, and requests for refusal of the use or provision of personal information made by the individual. These requests can be made to the following contact point.

(Contact Point)
Masayuki Monden, Prop Tech plus Inc. (Tel. +81-3-6205-8141)

5.Arbitrariness of the Provision of Personal Information

The provision of personal information is voluntary. However, failure to provide personal information may exclude the individual from applying for, using or making an inquiry about a service provided by the Company.


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(Personal Information Protection Administrator)
Masayuki Monden, Director, Manager of Business Administration Division
Prop Tech plus Inc.


Property Acquisition Price Rankings

(Billions of yen)

1 Shinjuku Mitsui Bldg. 170
3 Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 115
4 Shiodome Building 107
5 Tokyo Shiodome Building 83
Unit Price Growth Rankings
1 Nippon Building +1.94%
2 Fukuoka REIT +1.55%
3 LaSalle LOGIPORT REIT +1.50%
* This website provides information and data on J-REITs and is not intended as a solicitation for investment.
* The information appearing on this website has been carefully vetted, but the accuracy of the content is in no way guaranteed and may change without notice (that is, it may be modified or deleted).
* Users shall be responsible for the use of the information published on this website. The Company cannot be held liable whatsoever regarding the use of this information.
* Copyrights related to the information published on this website belong to the Company. The unauthorized use (diversion or reproduction, etc.) of this information is strictly prohibited.