This page contains the latest data on listed J-REITs.


2979 SOSiLA Logistics REIT,Inc.

Unit DataAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Unit Price113,900 JPY (-100 JPY)
Market Capitalization82,862.25 million JPY
Dividend Yield4.86% (0.00)
Trading Volume949 units
(Parentheses indicates daily change)
Earnings ForecastAs of Jul. 17, 2024
Previous Period Current Period Next Period
Beginning of Period Dec. 1, 2023 Jun. 1, 2024 Dec. 1, 2024
End of Period May 31, 2024 Nov. 30, 2024 May 31, 2025
Operating revenues 4,252million JPY 4,312million JPY 4,264million JPY
Net income 1,772million JPY 1,765million JPY 1,772million JPY
Dividend per unit 2,769 JPY 2,770 JPY 2,770 JPY

Unit Price / Yield / Trading VolumeAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Composition of Acquired PropertiesAs of Jun. 30, 2024
Total Acquisition Price 143 billion JPY
Number of Properties 17
Acquisition Price Ratio by Sector Acquisition Price Ratio by Region

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