This page contains the latest data on listed J-REITs.


3279 Activia Properties Inc.

A diversified-type J-REIT focused on urban commercial facilities and office buildings. The first J-REIT to use the asset management fee based on dividend per unit in the calculation of asset management fees. Its two flagship properties are co-owned with its sponsor, and it is working with its sponsor to boost profitability. In December 2013, increased its capital for the first time after listing, significantly lowering its debt ratio and maintaining its dividend amount. The lowered debt ratio allows it to expand its ability to increase its dividend through property acquisition. The forecast dividend for the period ending May 2014 is 15,504 JPY per unit, and that for the period ending November 2014 is 15,511 JPY. (Information as of December 19, 2013.)

Unit DataAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Unit Price352,000 JPY (+1,500 JPY)
Market Capitalization278,821.312 million JPY
Dividend Yield5.11% (-0.02)
Trading Volume1,906 units
(Parentheses indicates daily change)
Earnings ForecastAs of Jul. 18, 2024
Previous Period Current Period Next Period
Beginning of Period Dec. 1, 2023 Jun. 1, 2024 Dec. 1, 2024
End of Period May 31, 2024 Nov. 30, 2024 May 31, 2025
Operating revenues 15,910million JPY 15,525million JPY 15,597million JPY
Net income 7,416million JPY 6,543million JPY 6,708million JPY
Dividend per unit 9,365 JPY 9,300 JPY 8,700 JPY

Unit Price / Yield / Trading VolumeAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Composition of Acquired PropertiesAs of Jun. 30, 2024
Total Acquisition Price 542 billion JPY
Number of Properties 45
Acquisition Price Ratio by Sector Acquisition Price Ratio by Region
Jul. 18, 2024    
2024年5月期決算短信(REIT) (KB)
Jul. 4, 2024    
資金の借入れ(金利決定)に関するお知らせ (KB)
Jun. 28, 2024    
資金の借入れに関するお知らせ (KB)
Jun. 13, 2024    
資金の借入れ(金利決定)に関するお知らせ (KB)
Jun. 10, 2024    
資金の借入れに関するお知らせ (KB)
Jun. 10, 2024    
コミットメントライン及び極度借入枠の設定に関するお知らせ (KB)
Apr. 24, 2024    
自己投資口の消却に係る事項の決定に関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 28, 2024    
資産運用会社の組織変更及び取締役の変更に関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 27, 2024    
資金の借入れ(金利決定)に関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 22, 2024    
資金の借入れに関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 12, 2024    
自己投資口の取得状況及び取得終了に関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 1, 2024    
自己投資口の取得状況に関するお知らせ (KB)
Feb. 1, 2024    
自己投資口の取得状況に関するお知らせ (KB)
Jan. 17, 2024    
自己投資口取得に係る事項の決定(投資信託及び投資法人に関する 法律第 80 条の 5 に基づく自己投資口の取得)に関するお知らせ (KB)
Jan. 17, 2024    
2023年11月期決算短信(REIT) (KB)
Jan. 17, 2024    
資産の譲渡に関するお知らせ(A-FLAG 骨董通り) (KB)
Jan. 10, 2024    
資金の借入れ(金利決定)に関するお知らせ (KB)

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* The information appearing on this website has been carefully vetted, but the accuracy of the content is in no way guaranteed and may change without notice (that is, it may be modified or deleted).
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