About the Website Operator

Company name: IBRC Inc.
Address: 14-7-802, Nihonbashi hakozakicho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0015, Japan
Tel: +81-3-6661-1014
Website: http://www.ibrc.jp/
Established: January 2007
Paid-in capital: 3 million JPY
Businesses: Real estate investment and securitization consulting
Investment analysis on the J-REIT market and individual listed J-REIT
Planning and operations of JAPAN-REIT.com
Planning and hosting of seminars on real estate investment and REITs
IR support and consulting for J-REITs (planning for IR briefings for individual investors, investor surveys and analysis, website and publications)
Provision of information/data on J-REITs
Representative: Representative Director Daisuke Seki

Company name: Prop Tech plus Inc.
Address: 14th Floor, Shumitomohudosan Kudan Bldg., 1-8-10 Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073, Japan
Website: https://proptech.plus/
Established: July 2013
Paid-in capital: 100 million JPY
Businesses: Real estate finance system integration
REIT database services
Website services (planning, creation and video streaming for corporate websites, investor relations websites, mobile websites)
Representative: President


Property Acquisition Price Rankings

(Billions of yen)

1 Shinjuku Mitsui Bldg. 170
3 Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 115
4 Shiodome Building 107
5 Tokyo Shiodome Building 83
Unit Price Growth Rankings
1 Nippon Building +1.94%
2 Fukuoka REIT +1.55%
3 LaSalle LOGIPORT REIT +1.50%
* This website provides information and data on J-REITs and is not intended as a solicitation for investment.
* The information appearing on this website has been carefully vetted, but the accuracy of the content is in no way guaranteed and may change without notice (that is, it may be modified or deleted).
* Users shall be responsible for the use of the information published on this website. The Company cannot be held liable whatsoever regarding the use of this information.
* Copyrights related to the information published on this website belong to the Company. The unauthorized use (diversion or reproduction, etc.) of this information is strictly prohibited.