This page contains the outlines of the J-REIT, asset management company and other affiliated companies.


3472 Nippon Hotel & Residential Investment Corporation

Outline of the J-REIT
Name Nippon Hotel & Residential Investment Corporation
Date of Listing Aug. 31, 2016 Number of Years since Inception 7.91
Securities Code (Market) 3472 Settlement Month May & November
Number of Units Issued 235,347units Unitholders’ Capital 20,653million JPY
Investment Amount per Unit 87,756 JPY  
(Long-term Debt)
S&P - Moody's -
R&I - JCR -
Outline of Asset Management CompanyAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Name APA Investmnet Advisors Co.,Ltd.
Capital 50 million JPY
Major Shareholders APA Holdings Co.,Ltd. (100%)
Other Shareholders -
Other Affiliated CompaniesAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Asset Custodian Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
Accounting Auditor Mazars Audit LLC
Transfer Agent Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited

* This website provides information and data on J-REITs and is not intended as a solicitation for investment.
* The information appearing on this website has been carefully vetted, but the accuracy of the content is in no way guaranteed and may change without notice (that is, it may be modified or deleted).
* Users shall be responsible for the use of the information published on this website. The Company cannot be held liable whatsoever regarding the use of this information.
* Copyrights related to the information published on this website belong to the Company. The unauthorized use (diversion or reproduction, etc.) of this information is strictly prohibited.