This page contains the top five J-REITs ranked by price, portfolio, and financial categories, further broken down into subcategories.

Definition of Ranking Categories

<% Change in Unit Price>
The percentage change in the investment unit price over a one-year period
The investment unit price represents the daily closing price on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

<Asset Size>
The total acquisition cost of owned properties as of the end of the month is applied on the 15th of the following month (the next business day if the 15th is a holiday).

<Age of Properties>
The age of owned properties as of the end of the month (weighted average of acquisition amount) is applied on the 15th of the following month (the next business day if the 15th is a holiday).

<Ratio of Appraisal Gains or Losses>
The ratio of appraisal gains or losses on owned real estate at the end of a period (appraisal value of real estate portfolio / book value of real estate portfolio – 1)
Data from J-REIT earnings reports are applied on the 15th of the following month after the publicly release of the each J-REIT’s earnings report (the next business day if the 15th is a holiday).
Note: Not calculated for J-REITs that do not report earnings data after listing.

<Return on Equity (ROE)>
Data from J-REIT earnings reports are applied on the 15th of the following month (the next business day if the 15th is a holiday).

Note: Not calculated for J-REITs that do not report earnings data after listing.


Property Acquisition Price Rankings

(Billions of yen)

1 Shinjuku Mitsui Bldg. 170
3 Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 115
4 Shiodome Building 107
5 Tokyo Shiodome Building 83
Unit Price Growth Rankings
1 GLP J-REIT +2.03%
2 Daiwa House REIT +1.40%
3 Advance Logistics +1.36%
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