This page contains the latest data on listed J-REITs.


3226 Nippon Accommodations Fund Inc.

A residential focused J-REIT. Investments target newly built properties developed by sponsor Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. in Tokyo’s 23 wards. In conjunction with an expanding portfolio, it is also investing in student dormitories and other asset classes. Has been able to maintain a stable, consistent dividend while lowering its debt ratio. The forecast dividend for the period ending February 2014 is 14,400 JPY per unit. (Information as of December 19, 2013.)

Unit DataAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Unit Price632,000 JPY (+1,000 JPY)
Market Capitalization318,194.304 million JPY
Dividend Yield3.49% (-0.01)
Trading Volume927 units
(Parentheses indicates daily change)
Earnings ForecastAs of Apr. 17, 2024
Previous Period Current Period Next Period
Beginning of Period Sep. 1, 2023 Mar. 1, 2024 Sep. 1, 2024
End of Period Feb. 29, 2024 Aug. 31, 2024 Feb. 28, 2025
Operating revenues 12,586million JPY 12,711million JPY 12,668million JPY
Net income 5,769million JPY 5,467million JPY 5,644million JPY
Dividend per unit 11,459 JPY 10,860 JPY 11,210 JPY

Unit Price / Yield / Trading VolumeAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Composition of Acquired PropertiesAs of Jun. 30, 2024
Total Acquisition Price 342 billion JPY
Number of Properties 136
Acquisition Price Ratio by Sector Acquisition Price Ratio by Region

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