8972 KDX Investment Corporation

Kenedix Office Investment Corporation Sells KDX Minami Semba Dai-1 Building / Nissou Dai-17 Building, and announced the refund of Preferred Securities.

(Jul. 8, 2014)

Kenedix Office Investment Corporation Sells KDX Minami Semba Dai-1 Building / Nissou Dai-17 Building, and announced the refund of Preferred Securities.

Property name KDX Minami Semba Dai-1 Building
Address Chuo-ku Osaka
Disposition price
Book value (JPY)
(as of Jul. 31, 2014)
Gain/Loss (JPY)
(disposition price - book value)
Disposition date Jul. 31, 2014
Buyer Fujikouei, Inc.
Property name Nissou Dai-17 Building
Address Yokohama Kanagawa
Disposition price
Book value (JPY)
(as of Jul. 31, 2014)
Gain/Loss (JPY)
(disposition price - book value)
Disposition date Aug. 19, 2014
Buyer Not disclosed
Acquisition of Preferred Securities  
Name Toyonaka Property TMK
Property Name Senri Life Science Center Building
Appraisal Value of the Property
(million JPY)
Acquisition (Investment) Price
(million JPY)
Acquisition date Jul. 18, 2014
  19th period
(Before revision) Change (%)
Operating revenues
(million JPY)
12,800 11,249 13.8%
Net income
(million JPY)
3,515 3,482 0.9%
Dividend per unit
9,900 9,810 0.9%

Recent 5 news of KDX Investment Corporation
Nov. 6, 2014
Kenedix Office Investment Corporation : Issuance of New Investment Units and Secondary Offering of Investment Units, Acquisition of 5 Properties
Oct. 15, 2014
Kenedix Office Investment Corporation : Acquisition of "Urban Square Yokohama"
Sep. 30, 2014
Kenedix Office Investment Corporation to Acquire " Senri Life Science Center Building"
Aug. 25, 2014
Kenedix Office Investment Corporation to Acquire 2 Office Buildings.


Property Acquisition Price Rankings

(Billions of yen)

1 Shinjuku Mitsui Bldg. 170
3 Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 115
4 Shiodome Building 107
5 Tokyo Shiodome Building 83
Unit Price Growth Rankings
1 Advance Residence +2.24%
2 Nippon Accommodations +1.90%
3 Comforia Residential +1.84%
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