8954 ORIX JREIT Inc.

ORIX JREIT Inc. to Issue New Investment Units and to Conduct Secondary Offering of Investment Units.

(Sep. 1, 2014)

ORIX JREIT Inc.(TSE Code: 8954) announces the issuance of new investment units and the secondary offering of investment units. The amount of funding will be about 20,417 million yen, and OJR acquires 6 properties.

Property name Address Acquisition price Cap rate Seller
ORE Nishiki 2-chome Bldg. (Office) Nagoya, Aichi 10,900million JPY 5.30% ORIX Corporation
ORE Ikebukuro (Retail property) Toshima-ku, Tokyo 6,410million JPY 4.40% Tokutei Mokuteki Kaisha Joint Ark 14
SO-CAL LINK OMOTESANDO (Retail property) Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 2,300million JPY 4.00% ORIX Corporation
Friend Town Fukaebashi (Land) Joto-ku, Osaka 2,400million JPY 4.80% ORIX Real Estate Corporation
R-Styles Musashi-Kosugi (Residential Property) Kawasaki, Kanagawa 4,433million JPY 5.50% ORIX Life Insurance Corporation, House Mate Partners Co., Ltd. 
Iwatsuki Logistics Center (Logistic Property) Kasukabe, Saitama 6,300million JPY 5.10% ORIX Corporation
Total   32,743million JPY    
  25th period (forecast) (before revision) Change  
Operating revenues 15,732million JPY 15,511million JPY 1.4%  
Net income 4,916million JPY 4,877million JPY 0.8%  
Dividend per unit 2,500 JPY 2,480 JPY 0.8%  
  26th period (forecast) (before revision) Change  
Operating revenues 16,806百万円 15,579million JPY 7.9%  
Net income 5,410百万円 4,955million JPY 9.2%  
Dividend per unit 2,550円 2,520 JPY 1.2%  
  27th period (forecast)      
Operating revenues 17,054百万円      
Net income 5,346百万円      
Dividend per unit 2,520円      

Recent 5 news of ORIX JREIT Inc.
Oct. 10, 2014
ORIX JREIT Inc. : Financial Results for the 25th Fiscal Period, Acquisition "DOJIMA PLAZA BLDG."


Property Acquisition Price Rankings

(Billions of yen)

1 Shinjuku Mitsui Bldg. 170
3 Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 115
4 Shiodome Building 107
5 Tokyo Shiodome Building 83
Unit Price Growth Rankings
1 Advance Residence +2.24%
2 Nippon Accommodations +1.90%
3 Comforia Residential +1.84%
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